
Rope Tension Load Cell


Ensure Efficiency with Rope Tension Load Cell DESB-RTM is specifically designed for tensionmeasurement of single rope. This model can be used for Mooring,Crane and Lift applications.Fixing of this load cell is easy and it can be fitted after the installation of the machine. This loadcell also acts as an overload Sensor. This is available for capacities ranging from 1 tf to 5 tf.

Capacity Range (in kgf): 500 / 1100 / 1350 / 2250
Capacity Range (in tf): 4.5 / 5


Sensomatic Rope tension Load cell SESB-RTM is specifically designed for tension measurementof single rope. This model can be used for Lift applications. Fixing of this load cell is easy and itcan be fitted after the installation of the machine. This load cell also acts as an overload Sensor.This is available is lesser capacities and in ecconomical.

Capacity Range (in tf): ) 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 1.8 / 2 / 2 / 2.5 / 3.5 / 5


This Rope Tension load cell is ideal for tension measurement on rope used in Cranes & other Mooring Applications. This is a non — invasive method of measurement, where the device is fitted after Installation of the Machine & is easy to handle. This is primarily used as a Load Limiting Device / Overload Sensor.

Capacity Range (in tf): ) 0.5 /1/1.5/1.8/2/2/2.5/3.5/5

Date :

March 16, 2024

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